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Creating Sponsored Posts

The Dungeon Master Resources group on Facebook is a very active community with over 90,000 members. We have worked diligently over the years to limit posts to only those that foster the core mission of the group. The promotion of products and services is therefore severely restricted. Sponsored posts are our way of limiting the commercialization of the group.
A sponsored post must be posted by the admin. It will be posted as an Featured Post on the board for 4 days.
The post must include a benefit for the group in the form of giveaways. In general, we are looking for at least $100 worth of value to be given to randomly chosen members who respond to the post. You can ask them to like and comment to qualify. You cannot ask that they share the post or take some action on a different site.
Sponsored ads are free to you but not us. Many hours are spent every week to maintain this group. Therefore, any sales generated by sponsored ads owe a 30% commission to the group. Therefore a unique referral link is needed so you can track sales originating from our group. If this is not an option for your project, you may alternatively, estimate the value of the ad ahead of time and pay 30% of that amount prior to the ad running.
For examples of previous posts, please search the group for "Sponsored Giveaway" or "Sponsor Giveaway"
When you are ready, message the admin: Jerry Joe Seltzer
Jerry will work with you on refining your post and choosing a date for it.